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Friday 17 August 2012


The whole world is a zoo, where there
We all are animal of various classes;
Who knows what will happen tomorrow
Today is the best day, enjoy life with cheers.

Deer to tiger and tiger to hunter
Whether luckily or unluckily if meet each other;
Frog to snake and snake to snake-charmer
No-one missed the chance, all need to fulfill wanting of their.

Wants are unlimited still, all wants to be free
But they never know they are inside zoo;
Depending upon zoo-warden live their life
Warden is the supreme power, who looks after all too.

The nest of sparrow swinging by the wind on the top of palm tree
And she is flying without fear nest to nest with her birdies;
She knows nothing is permanent in this temporary world
Still she is caring her child instead of taking care of herself.

Human beings deserve more but gain less
Just like a silly monkey, who jumps branch to branch to eat more;
At last he reached the point from where he started jump
So we all are inside zoo wherever we may go, again will come for suing.

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