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Friday 17 August 2012



What you given that never compared with you
I receive it, but never waste time to mingle with so.
All things are precious, penultimate and pantheism
Even nothing else to compare what you gifted me.
You send…The Red roses…
But it is not nicer than your red lips,
Looks like red petals of thy roses.
You send…The Cloverleaves…
But it is not so open than your sweet heart,
As like thy leaves as pale and flattened.
You send…The Marigold…
But it is not so goldy than your milk red body,
Not like twenty-four carrot purest gold.
You send… The Shedder leaves…
But it is not so closed than your closeness with me,
even your unconditional love.
In brief: Leaves are open and close in various venations taking your good personality
               and colors from your colorful attractive body.
Above all: Flowers are taken virtue from you, their sweet smells from your sweet breath
                 and the beauty’s from your glorious look.

Hence, the gift you have given never be comparable with you.
All were materialistic and conditional
But what I get from you without attachment that is our unconditional love.

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