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Friday 17 August 2012



Winter shawl wave away from the earth
The yellow leaves flutter and fall
The spring has done its flowering,
And renew the world with descent color.

The wind of heaven kisses the flower
The bank of the river scented with strange fragrance
The sea-shore integrate with full of crowd.
The bees' wandering flower to flower
Play the most surprising game
As peacock dance awaiting the rain drops
And her joy knew no bounds.

The busy ant collecting his food from here and there
Instead of caring his present situation
In the mean time wind blown away him
And he falls on the river and flows with the clamorous waves.

Giant hot and sun stroke wave up the people's life
Summer sun shocked the waves
These watery waves move into high heaven
And recycled into cold drops
When rushed towards mountain, it drops down as rain drops.

Rainy night covered with dark black shawl
Clouds bombarded as heavy thunder in the lightening night
The boat man crosses the flooded river
And his far away song flows from the other side.

The ant also lunch out through that yellow leaves
Like people get out from the boat.
Nothing is helpless in these worlds
Thy God look after all.

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