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Friday 17 August 2012



Two feet land, three feet clothes
Four drops water, five minute time…..

Hey Allah! Let it to me to exist…..

On the land, where I had kept my feet thinking it’s mine
That was slipped from my foot.
Searching only for two feet land sun has set.

Searching for a Burkha…
To hide my face and not to look naked whence I had stepped forward
Thence who knows, how it was naked before me in the name of God.

Drop by drop water makes ocean greater…
Searching two drops for me and two drops for you
It never found, but whole world has made desert.

To spend time, we need time…
Nowhere to fix foot, everywhere horror…
Give me only five minute to offer my five times prayer.

If it would not get me, it’s better what I was before this world.

At least-
Give me three feet clothes for shroud and two foots land for burial
Five minute time to born my crematoria and four drops water to put it out.

Please let fulfill my aims…
If nothing is possible, take me back to that Burkha where I was
And let me sovereignty …..

Hey Allah! Let it to me exist…..let my existence be……..
Hey Allah! Let me be independent…let me face independence……

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