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Wednesday 21 November 2012


This is our last meeting, in the last evening of last spring.
A droop of Sindur and two pieces of Bangles
which draw the line of promising (horrifying)
This is our last….

Till now, we were in one way with one foot
Now then, it would be same way in separate step,
After leaving me, you will stay in your place, in which way…
After leaving you, I will stay in my place, in that way…
This is my last letter with the last pen on the last sheet.
In a way, this is the test (of fire) for me
now then, I have to live alone.
This is our last meeting, in the last evening of last spring.

My world, which I had made half
That world, is on fire today,
Will you change your way towards me?
Or could I motivate you to look at me?
This is the last dialogue of the last scene of last Drama.
It would be the last waiting (of me) for you
till the last flame of my crematoria body.
This is our last meeting, in the last evening of last spring.

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