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Saturday 20 October 2012


Oh, my Lord, almighty…the ocean of kind hearted, greatness
Enable me to bow down to thy lotus feet (padma-pada)
And persuade me to offer everything, what I got by the grace of you.
Nothing remains to me, which may create selfishness.

Hey, Prabhu, Anadi… formless, nirakara, endless
Be kind to me to feel thy great personality residing in all void sky
And enable to sing a song of your glorious joy
I neither write my words nor see your radiance through my earthly eyes.

Hey, Swami, Alekha… indescribable, eternal, nirguna, writing-less
Bless me to collect a little knowledge of your mahima / (swarup)
And order me enter into thy emptiness, soundness room to divulge the secret
If possible nothing remains to describe your great kindness.

Hey, God, Antaryami… nameless, bhavagrahi, divine soul
Let me geared up with that magnificent power
By which a dumb can say, blind can see and lame can walk
And you are not only beyond description but
Free from the bondage of birth and has no desire
How can I describe and call in which name, you are the above all?

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