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Thursday, 25 April 2013

Dancing Couple (Animated)

Break Dancers

Good Relation (50-points)

Both Girls & Boys Should Know Properly each other

It does not mean how to make relation but it takes time to make a relation in comparison to break a relation.Make your relation healthier then before after reading this valuable tips. And this is the main cause of frustration by which girls are cheated by boys and boys are emotionally black-mail to their (living) relation. 

‘The game is on’ will be considered an acceptable excuse to postpone any serious conversations.
A guy has more problems than you can see with your naked eyes.
A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to.
A guy would give his right arm to be able to read a girl’s mind for a day.
A guy would waste his time over video games and football, the way a girl would do over novels and make-ups.
A guy would sacrifice his money for lunch just to get you a couple of roses.
A guy would do just about anything to get you to notice him.
A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
All guys are kinky and willing to try anything that you may enjoy, just let them know.
Anything said six months ago is inadmissible in an argument. All comments become null and void after seven days.
Believe it or not, 99.5% of the time men honestly don’t mean to hurt you.
Cooking makes a girl all the more attractive.
Critiquing a man’s driving is outright unacceptable.
Don’t ever expect guys to put the toilet seat down; it’s not in their DNA!
Don’t expect guys to say as many sweet things as they do in the movies. It takes 10 couples to come up with one sweet thing that they put up in the movies.
Don’t hold it against your guy if he starts to cry after a good sports movie, and was laughing outrageously last night when the two of you were watching an emotional drama saga.
Ending a heated conversation with “Fine” or “Whatever” isn’t considered acceptable.
Even if you dumped a guy months ago and he loved you, he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be to have you back in his life.
Girls who don’t want to listen to the truth shouldn’t be asking any questions.
Guys are more emotional than you think. If they loved you at one point, it’ll take them a lot longer than you think to let you go, and it hurts every second that they try.
Guys aren’t psychiatrists, mind telling them what you mean?
Guys do not look into minute detailing. So, if you gave up a quarter of an inch from your 20 inches long hair, don’t expect your guy to know that instantly.
Guys don’t care about how gorgeous you are, it’s goodbye, adios, and sayonara if you’re being a bitch.
Guys don’t like to be used as pawns in trying to make your friends jealous.
Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest.
Guys like porn!
Guys love you more than you love them.
Guys love girls with brains more than girls in miniskirts.
Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.
Guys need to be reassured often that they’re still loved.
Guys talk about girls more than girls talk about guys.
Guys tend to get serious with their relationship and become too possessive. Better watch out girls.
Guys’ night outs are sacred events. If you ask any question about it, you’ll be castigated.
If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn’t happen that often, so when it does, you know something’s up.
If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don’t need to give advice.
If you want sex, just ask.
It’s natural for a guy’s eyes to wander.
It’s not that guys don’t want to make their girlfriends happy; it’s just that sometimes, they don’t know how.
Leaving a message like “You know what?! Mmm… Never mind…” would make a guy hanging on to that thought all day long and reach a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. Don’t ever do that!
No matter how much guys talk about hotness or sex appeal, personality is key.
Not all guys are jerks. Just because one is a jackass doesn’t mean he represents all of them.
Nothing you will ever do will entitle you to operate the remote control, unless operating means handing it to him.
Only models are able to carry off most of the stuff you see in fashion magazines.
The biggest turn on for guys are the girls who workout.
The only thing left to be said after sex is “goodnight.”
Video games have helped men develop awesome finger skills that only encourage them to play more often.
When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is. Guys rarely say that.
When a guy sacrifices his sleep and health just to be with you, he isn’t doing it all for sex. It means he likes you more than you can imagine.
You like when your guy calls and asks you out for dinner and pays for you, right? Well yeah, guys like it once in a while too.
You can’t get mad if your guy refuses to hook up your “ugly friend” with one of his good-looking friends.

Saturday, 20 April 2013


Before DEATH

Oh, my dear God…!
I am a tiny bud in your planet
Let me grow showering droplets of Love,
Let me blossom with sweet fragrance of Truth,
Let me reveal the Beauty of joy of your imaginative world.
And spark upon me your bright and lively touch,
Persuade me to mitigate worries and pain of others,
Before I am failing to death.


Oh, my dear God…!
I know, the one & only true in this world is death,
Which never knows what overwhelm is
Still I am waiting on that moment
One day it must come to me
I never afraid of thy demon moment
I must be happy and pleasant, if I face her,
Because there is God, where is true - it may be in death.


Oh, my dear God…!
If someone will go high keeping foot on my shoulder
If someone will be rich taking this false assets
If someone victory on death, piercing to this fake body…
I never mind how and why it happens.
Because, I am always believing in the truth
Where there is nothing, there is only you –
It may be I will be in your lap after death.


Oh, my dear God…!
I am nothing in this world without you
Everywhere lust, anger, covetousness, fascination, pride & ego
All are deepened in this evil and false earth
No-one knows where s/he comes and where to go?
No-one knows what to do and how?
And no-one knows why he is and who is he?
Still every morning starts with the glittering rays of sun
They never know they are inside the circle of birth and death.
Hey, Paramatma keep me away from this circle,
Where, I never come yet again & again for birth & death.


Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Only For You

1LY 4 U

If I Obtain something,
If I Lost something,
If I Achieve something,
If I Propose something
If I Lucrative something
If I Wrote something
If I Imagine something
If I Gossip something
If I Portrait something
If I Formulate something
If I Encompass something
If I Manage something
If I Differentiate something
If I Acclaim something
If I Grasp something
If I Decide something
If I Handled something

These all are only FOR YOU.

Because, I always FOR YOU.

Because, I made FOR YOU.

Because, God has send me FOR YOU.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013


Hi Dear...

It is true we have never met and 
I have never seen you,
We never shaken hands or 
Even truly we hugged yet.

I know it is sure that you care for me 
By the kindness that you give,
And this Blog keeps us together 
It does not matter where we live.

So this precious lyrical gift for you 
To put a smile on your face
And to let you know in my heart 
You have a special place.


Near & Dear…


Happy HOLI...

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       vkt ds fnu ge lc cjkcjA
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[kkbZ ds Hkkax fny ngkykus okyk] cUn gks tk,s [kqyk vDy dk rkykA             

Men hesitate to say women (9-things)


Here are 8 such things that man are all the time dying to say...

1.      How many digits in your salary: "What's your salary package," a question that every guy dreads and wishes to evade more than a question like "Are you gay?" They will inform you about a salary increment or a promotion at work but will never divulge the statistical details even if it is good. Monika, a media professional, says, "Guys are competitive even with their partners and are wary to disclose details they feel will make us judge them. That's why they can never give definite answers and are always vague about their salary structure."

2.      Just get over Mills and Boon: Women's choice of books and their blind devotion to certain authors have always irked men. Their helpless state further worsened by their inability to express it. Says Danish, media professional, "It's not that we want our partners to be connoisseurs in literature or descendants of Shakespeare but I can never tell her to develop a sensible taste in her selection of books. She might take it otherwise".

3.      Fantasising about another girl while in the act: Have you ever felt a vein of disconnect running through that intimate moment where you are in his arms and about to break into a romantic kiss? Rohit, a freelance writer, feels that "guys cannot verbalise that their mental faculties are fixated on some other girl while being physically cosy with you."

4.      Watch out dude, that's my girl!: Walking down a busy street, a man is always watchful of people that eye his girl, far less stray close to her. He is always prepared to shield her from sneering comments. The problem arises in articulating it. Says Sonil, a Bombay-based professional in business media "I feel my blood boil when someone passes an objectionable comment on my girlfriend. I hold myself from communicating it for I am afraid she might think I am trying to be a police every time."

5.      Don't call me every five minutes: There are times when an overdose of 'love', 'care' and 'affection' intrudes his personal space making him claustrophobic. *Niranjan, an engineering student says, "It becomes tough for me when she expects a prompt reply to her every text and gets angry if I delay. I cannot tell her how much this bothers me as doing so would mean inviting more trouble."

6.      Please let's not talk about my ex: This is indeed a sensitive chapter in one's life, the pages of which threaten to open up massacring details. Past is always sad and men are never really comfortable letting their partners take a peep for the fear of offending them.

7.      I always know what to do: Guys, let's face it, are averse to confessing. The idea of opening up about a problem, whether a crisis in the family or a bad day at work, to their partners sends a tingle of unease down his back. Sonalika, a media professional who is living in with her boyfriend for the last few years, feels that guys think they would be dubbed a loser if they sought their partner's help with anything. They see it as a challenge to their 'masculinity'.

8.      Calling friends over without prior notice: Guys don't think twice before calling up their gang of friends over for a meal. The wife/girlfriend in question is notified on the same only at the penultimate moment when it gets too much to handle for him. Men don't realise that casually asking friends to drop by can make women go through a harrowing time deciding what to serve. And it obviously drives her barking mad!